daw: Today I booked a #Madison #Wisconsin band (Lords of the Trident) for...
Today I booked a #Madison #Wisconsin band (Lords of the Trident) for Music Manumit. Am I missing out on any WI #remixable musicians? (We've already had on Kevin MacLeod, Magma Dragon, and Pete Prodoehl...
View Articledougsportazine: Is the there a #Kentucky #Florida gamecast? #ESPN doesn't...
Is the there a #Kentucky #Florida gamecast? #ESPN doesn't seem to have one. !sports
View Articledougsportazine: Knock on wood, but the fould situation really helps...
Knock on wood, but the fould situation really helps #Kentucky. That said, they've got to shoot the ball better in the 2nd half. 16.7% from beyond the arc. 36.4% from the floor. !sports
View Articledougsportazine: strange things can happen of course, but you can't see...
strange things can happen of course, but you can't see #Kentucky giving up a 15 point lead. !sports
View Articledougsportazine: There is some bs officiating and some bs shot selection going...
There is some bs officiating and some bs shot selection going on in this #Kentucky !basketball game.
View Articlelnxw48: Important mystery: what caused the "Kentucky meat shower" of 1876? We...
Important mystery: what caused the "Kentucky meat shower" of 1876? We should demand that everything else stops while we focus our attention on finding out why red meat fell from the sky for several...
View Articlelnxw48: jwz writes (mostly lifted from #wikipedia) about the #Kentucky meat...
jwz writes (mostly lifted from #wikipedia) about the #Kentucky meat shower: http://url.federati.net/r57YI
View Articlelnxw48: The #wikipedia article about the #Kentucky meat shower...
The #wikipedia article about the #Kentucky meat shower http://url.federati.net/Sf7lh
View Articlelnxw48: It has been 139 years and 21 days since the #Kentucky meat shower...
It has been 139 years and 21 days since the #Kentucky meat shower where red meat fell from the sky in #KYhttp://url.federati.net/Sf7lh
View Articledaw: apparently Mason-Dixon line much more specific and shorter than cultural...
apparently Mason-Dixon line much more specific and shorter than cultural use suggests. Usually used to mark north from south culturally. The Ohio River serves are a reasonable split, though being from...
View Articledaw: We've narrowed it down to various cities in a few of these states, but...
We've narrowed it down to various cities in a few of these states, but in case anyone is curious: #Kentucky #Illinois #Wisconsin #Minnesota #Michigan #Ohio #NorthCarolina #SouthCarolina #Virginia...
View Articlelnxw48: Interesting. #Illinois, #Ohio, #Kentucky, but no #Indiana.
Interesting. #Illinois, #Ohio, #Kentucky, but no #Indiana.
View Articlelnxw48: @gomerx Some of our staff live in #Indiana, but they talk like they...
@gomerx Some of our staff live in #Indiana, but they talk like they come from #Kentucky.
View Articledaw: Pretty sure I would know, but anyone from #Kentucky in the fediverse?
Pretty sure I would know, but anyone from #Kentucky in the fediverse?
View Articledougsportazine: Nothing is finalized yet, but it looks like I'll be making a...
Nothing is finalized yet, but it looks like I'll be making a http://www.ampslam.com/ trip to #Lexington #Kentucky on December 15, so get at me if you want to meet up.
View Articledougsportazine: Please rank the following cities by opensourceness (make this...
Please rank the following cities by opensourceness (make this whatever you want: kernel contributors, LUG participation, percent of population that actually knows what free software means, whatever…)...
View Articlelnxw48: RP @dougsportazine Please rank the following cities by opensourceness...
RP @dougsportazine Please rank the following cities by opensourceness (make this whatever you want: kernel contributors, LUG participation, percent of population that actually knows what free software...
View Articlenewsstream: Inciting violence? #Trump sued in #Kentucky over violent rally...
Inciting violence? #Trump sued in #Kentucky over violent rally http://on.rt.com/78uhhttps://quitter.im/attachment/86774
View Articlelnxw48: @question I know nothing of Hans Sanders, but let me ask you this:...
@question I know nothing of Hans Sanders, but let me ask you this: when did Harlan Sanders ("Colonel Sanders" of #Kentucky Fried Chicken fame) die?
View Articledawsports: #Kentucky won an #SEC game. adidas should sponsor them.
#Kentucky won an #SEC game. adidas should sponsor them.
View Articlese7en: #TrumpEffect Before even sworn-in, The 45th President of the United...
#TrumpEffect Before even sworn-in, The 45th President of the United States of America, Donald John Trump, succeeds in his mission; #Ford contacts him and says #plant will stay in #Kentucky, not move to...
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